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Amsterdam Fashion Week: Behind the scenes
It has been a week or two, since Amsterdam Fashion Week,but I still wanted to tell you about this little experience I had with it.Me and three other girls from school were asked to work as dressersduring Amsterdam Fashion week, more precisely Jan Boelo’s fashion show.To be quite honest, his name didn’t say much to me.But how was I impressed by his collection!I would describe it as Rock chic; containing a lot ofblack, abricot and silver.Loved it!
Sweet sweet pink
In this photo: Victoria’s Secret Parfume & Lipgloss, De Osdorper Chanel logo Cupcake A few days ago I had this lovely rendez-vous witha good friend of mine, who had just been to Dubai.And since there is a Victoria’s Secret store at Shiphol Airport, I hadto ask her whether she could bring me something sweet from VS.I already knew that they do not sell lingerie in the VS store at Shiphol.(Such a shame!)But I just needed that feeling of being pampered that comes along withVictoria’s Secret products.So I was so happy when she gave me these treats, a sweetparfume and shiny lipgloss. Now, today a friend of mine took me to…
This month’s love goes out to…
Nanette Lepore, Peter Som and Oscar de la Renta. Photos via NEON COLOURS!Although the snow is still falling down outside, I wouldalready like to introduce you to this eye catching summer trend.Would you dare to go yellow or pink all-over?If not, I can assure you that these neon items could alsobe combined to solid coloured items. Black, gray or white will do!And if you liked the colour blocking trend from last year,just mix and match with these neons.You can hardly do wrong.Below you’ll find some items I would recommend! Asos Ring, United Nude Wedges, Nastygal Top&Skirt, Diane von Furstenberg Box Clutch,Christopher Kane jacket via Browns Fashion
January’s Favourites
I started 2012 off with a smashing new year’s outfit, if I may say.Then I took you back to Egypt, where Iproudly flaunt my summer clothing.Back in Holland I had a reality check. (COLD!)And I admit that whether fashionable or not, Ihad myself convinced that I needed Uggs.Besides outfits, I also showed you some of my new accessoires.I’m curious about what the rest of this year will bring…