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Bags… and their story
All bags from the Bag Museum in Amsterdam A few weeks ago my boyfriend’s mom took me to the bag museum, asa birthday present. A very nice and original present I mus say…Usually I don’t really go to museums but this one caught my attention right away.What else could I’ve expected? There were bags all over the place!Ofcourse a museum wouldn’t be a museum if there wouldn’t be a bit of education…Like, did you know that women used to wear bags in their hosiery, tokeep their money safe?In this material world we might forget about it these days, but bagsused to really have a function, you know!It was amazing to…
The V-top
Wearing: River Island jeans, Math top, River Island wedges, Vintage bag, New Look ring In my previous post I mentioned being ready for summer,having my wedges lined up.Now with this V-line top, I am really in need of the sun.I choose to wear nothing but a bra underneath, for I think itwould only get messy when layering and layering.Besides, why should we cover up our tummy?We all know that cropped tops are a huge trend nowadays.Great for a picknick? What do you think?
Still having a little wishlist
Wearing: Asos skirt, H&M top, River Island wedges, Anamar enveloppe clutch, ring from Cyprus April is almost coming to an end and I can’twait for the wheather to get better.I’ve got my wedges and peeptoes ready.I also bought some new loafers and moccasins.Still on my wishlist:floral pants, pastel tops & bottoms, a summer jacket,killer heels and spiked leopard slipper shoes.But first, let the sun come out please!
Goods from London
After telling you about my shopping spree in London, ofcourseI couldn’t leave you guys wondering what I’ve bought.So here’s a little summary:Skirts, blouses, tops, shoes, and a lot of jewelry.The usual I’d say.Soon I will post some outfit posts in which theseitems will be featured.