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    Simply quick

    Wearing: H&M Floral pants, Touplait top, Flossy slipper shoes, Vintage ring So, here’s my floral printed pants again.But in a whole different setting this time.Simple as never before!In this post I do not wear a lot of jewelryand you must be wondering why.Ain’t it shocking? Haha.Well, I chose to do an easy post on the pants this time,and in fact I especially wanted to show myflatties from London. Cute, aren’t they?I found them in Selfridges, but I just came acrossthe corresponding Dutch website that, ofcourse, sells them too.

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    This month’s love goes out to…

    H&M leather top, River Island playsuit, Stylebymarina skirt Peplum!This lovely “ruffle-like” trend is found in tops,skirts, playsuits, and dresses.It gives an outfit a romantic and playful look, withouthaving it being childish.I’ve recently bought myself a peplum dressand I cannot wait to wear it!In the picture above I’ve suggested somepeplum items that are worth a second look!

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    May’s favourites

    Normally, at the end of the month, I give a random summary of mymonth, but I’ve decided to make this a bit more interactive, so that it will bemore interesting for me as well as for you guys.I am very curious about your opinions. So from now onI will every month ask you guys to vote for the outfit you likedthe most the last month.This way, I might get a better grip on what myfollowers like to see more.And… You get the chance to judge my outfits.Go ahead! Which outfit is your favourite?

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    Powerful pink

    Wearing: Asos jumpsuit and belt, Vintage bracelet, Topshop chain ring, Borrowed arm cuff, Bershka earrings,Deezee pumps, Anamar enveloppe clutch Photos by Denise Last friday I went to a fashion event concerningthe 1 year anniversary of a classmate’s fashion organisation.It was a beautiful day and I could have easily worn a skirt,but I wanted something else. And soI chose my never-before-worn jumpsuit.Too bad I lost some weight, cause it didn’t have theperfect fit for me anymore.At the end of the day the top litteraly slumped downalong my waist.Lucky me I was in the car by then!So unfortunately it will not only be the first but also the last time I wore…