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The story behind…
Wearing: Just female jeans, H&M corset top, Brother’s blazer, Casio watch, VJ-style bracelet, Deezee shoes Looking at this blazer, might have you thinking thatit’s just another blazer, from whatever store.But nothing would be less true!Surprisingly, this used to be my brother’s blazer.He only wore it once, when he received his Holy Communion, on his 8th in 1996.A few years ago I found this blazer neatly hanging in my mom’s closetand since I was at the time looking for a navy one, I justtried it on and somehow it fit quite well.You could imagine that it used to have long sleeves for my brother, whilefor me the sleeves only reach my…
New arrivals
In these photos: Deezee heels, VJ-style bag & bracelet The last few months I have been very busy with school, and tocope with all the stress I held on to my favourite escape: online shopping.It got out of control so bad, that the bank called my mom asking: “Madame,we see a lot of transactions from your account to all kinds offoreign boutiques. Is this correct?”Ofcourse my mom already knew what time it was!She, in turn, called me and said that there should comean end to my shopping behaviour.I agreed with her, knowing in the back of my mind that I had just signed up fora paypal account and would no…
Exception to the rule
Wearing: Vintage blouse as dress, Hema tights, Asos shoes (borrowed from my sister), Topshop ring You might have read a previous post of mine in which I pointed outmy disgust of tights, a few weeks ago.And it’s true, I’m not a fan.However, I would like to relativize this…Because there are in fact some exceptions to my dislike of tights. Here’sa (rather short!)list of some of these exceptions:1) The dress (usually one with a loose fit) is very short2) The tights are ripped (and thus edgy)3) In case of any crazy party in which some funky tights wouldadd extra value to the whole outfit.Furthermore I mostly like my tights to be…
Laidback look
Wearing: H&M top & trousers, Vila blazer, River Island wedges, Present ring Going to my parents always feels like going on a vacation.A quiet neighbourhood, a lot of space. Nature. Rest.Not to mention the bath tub and the fact that mummy cooksthe most delicious, special meals for me.Now, you could imagine that when I am there, my outfits aren’tthat spectacular since it doesn’t have to.Usually I wear sweatpants or shorts and a simple top.Whenever I do feel the need to go outside or when we arehaving friends or family over, I simply put on a blazer andjump into some wedges or sneakers.Good to go…