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    Decent, but different

    Wearing: H&M Shorts, Asos lace top, WSD collar, Steve Madden heels, Albert Cuijp Market ring YEAY. The sun has finally come out to play!After being jalous of fellow bloggers from sunny countries whohave been wearing shorts all the time, I am now able to do it myself!I’ve found some very nice ones, like this floralprinted shorts from H&M.I must say that the rest of my styling is kind of decent in thisoutfit. Some of you may be missing the usual, rougher style.But I wanted to bring something else to the table.What do you think of it?

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    This month’s love goes out to…

    In this photo: Topshop corset top, Runwaydreamz shorts, Nastygal bag, Max&Chloe ring, Hot ice shoes via Leballon Studs and spikes!This trend has been around for a while, so it was reallyjust a matter of time before I would dedicate a post to it.And since I’ve been pretty much bombarded with it, the time is now.What I love about studs and spikes is that it always gives an item an edgy touch.It’s rough, cool, tough and everything but boring.Another lovable thing about studs and spikes is that it brings backthe whole customizing/do it yourself trend.And although everyone is studding and spiking, you can stillmake your own unique studded items.Picture above shows…

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    June’s favourites

    Every month I select a few of my worn outfits and let you choosewhich one is your favourite.The nominated outfits of this month are my ladiback look in which Iwas mixing prints, a sopisticated blazer combined to flat shoes anda lot of jewelry, and an all over vintage look in which I combined myboyfriend’s t-shirt to a skirt that was given to me by his mom.As you can see I chose three totally different styles. I amvery curious about your opinion.So make your opinion count! Which outfit is your favourite?

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    Vintage look

    Wearing: Gift skirt, Boyfriend’s t-shirt, Asos heels, Seven45 necklace, Noordermarkt bracelet, H&M/Topshop/Gift rings,H&M sunnies, Vintage Marc Chantal bag via Ilovevintage Here we have the best example of a cobbled together mess.On one of those lazy days at home, I searched my boyfriend’s closet foran oversized t-shirt that would bring me the ultimate chill vibe.Then my eyes met this T-shirt. On first sight it was a bit ugly to me, but somehowit made me look again and think “this could be it”.After wearing it, at the end of the day, I were in love completely.My boyfriend said I could have it, so here’s my new t-shirt.I am still wondering whether I…