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Disappointing disadvantages
Wearing: H&M lace shorts, Forever 21 top, WSD blazer & necklace, Asos ankle boots, Vintage bag, Pieces ring As a girl of my time, I’m a huge fan of online shopping.It’s easy, fast and efficient.I sometimes find real life shopping sprees exhausting andfrustrating. Especially when I can not find what I am looking for.Shopping through google is much easier, for that matter!However, there are a few disadvantages to online shopping:1) You can not fit items in advance, and2) You are not sure what an item will look like in real life.The last disadvantage is what had me disappointed when buyingthis ocher blazer. I had expected a whole different fabric and…
The more you have…
Wearing: Bershka skirt, Monki top, Deezee heels, H&M/Asos rings, Vintage necklace, Random bracelets They say that “the more you have, the more you want“.In my case this means that I want more and more clothes,accessories, shoes and bags than I already have.And that’s about to get out of hand.The last few months I have been very busy with fashionin all kinds of ways and that’s why I get exposed to a lotof new, beautiful, lovely wannahaves.Usually I just keep buying and buying, while Ihave a lot of things in my closet that still have the price tag on it.But I think it’s about time that I start wearingsome of my…
A satisfying outcome
Wearing: Estradeur skirt via Nelly, H&M knit & necklace, Deezee heels, VJ-Style bag, WSD/Misselfridge/Gift rings I often brainstorm about outfits that I want to wear.In my mind I combine several items to each other; wonderingwhether it matches or not.Eventually, I might wear it some day and usuallyit’s just the why I had imagined it to be.With this outfit, it wasn’t.I had actually been planning to wear the metallic topover the skirt. But I hadn’t taken into account thatthe top was actually cropped and it just didn’t look good!That’s why I had the top tucked in my skirt.It made a satisfying outfit after all.
Amsterdam Fashion Week: What I wore
Wearing: Just female jeans, H&M lace top, Sisley blazer, Deezee heels, Sonize bag, Primark cuffs Photos by Nio As I said in my previous post, I went to Tony Cohen’s showat Amsterdam Fashion week yesterday.He really got me under his spell with his designs.I loved the slightly loose, but feminine fit of his dresses.His use of fabrics and colours were a great inspiration to me;ton sur ton in a waterfall of luxurious silk and satin.Did I make you curious? Photos of his show can be found here.Cohen’s collection convinced me that I should wear one tone outfits more often.I think I made a good beginning in doing so, in this…