Get in touch!

“You’re already here, so for that matter
let’s connect & work together”

Ways we can work together (a.o.):

*Personal shopping & styling                             *Blog workshops
*Photo/Media styling                                             *Social media mentions
*Editing (writing/photography/video)          *Sponsored posts
*Event & TV/Radio Hosting                                *Modelling
*Side banners                                                              *Shoplogs/hauls
*Giveaways                                                                   *Reviews
*Product placement                                                *On-going partnerships

For business inquiries, invitations and random questions, contact Larissa via:


“Larissa stands out for her empathy. Her dedication to and attention for the client resulted in a pleasant collaboration.”

– Jaap, Rabobank | Personal shopping project

“Larissa uses her physique in her advantage, making clear that you don’t have to look as basic as the clothes you are wearing.”

– Paula, Elle Magazine | 30 blogs you should know about

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