Soft skin. Check. White teeth. Check. And yes, I have been working on that for quite a while already, but never had it been so easy. My new Silk’n products really seem to help a great deal. Let me tell you all about it…
Photos show me using my new (and already favorite) Silk’n products. Although I have only yet begun to try these out, I thought it would be fun to share my findings with you guys. A few weeks ago I received a lot of positive comments on my white teeth, for which I had used whitening strips. But of course there is more to it to keep it like that. I think that dental hygiene is super important for so many reasons. First of all, a smile is everything and it’s in the centre of your face. Second of all, I would never want to have bad breathe when speaking with others.
I think I was around 12 when I asked an electronic tooth brush for my birthday. Those brushes were very innovative and expensive back then and I don’t even remember why I felt like I wanted it so bad back then. I mean, I don’t remember why I asked it for my birthday instead of something to really play with, but I do remember how happy I was with it. However, when I moved out of my parents’ house, somehow my brush landed in the hands of my dad. He bought new brush heads for it and voila, I never got it back haha. So I am super happy to have this new SonicSmile toothbrush.
And I must admit that I had to get used to it again, but I really felt like it did a great job for my teeth. It is so much easier to reach every single tooth. Had I used this earlier, maybe I hadn’t have to remove my wisdom teeth haha. With so many different settings (white, clean, polish, massage, study) I must say that there is still a lot for me to try haha.
Another product that I am super fond of ever since I laid my eyes on it is the Silk’n Motion. A new invention that permanently removes hair from the body and face (hallelujah, no longer is this something you’d have to see a specialist for!). It has an easy “touch and glide” technology, removing hairs in the twinkling of an eye. Nice facts: it can be used after sun exposure, it’s safe for all skin colors and no refill cartridges are necessary.
Personally, I started using the products a few weeks ago and I think that both of these are super convenient. I am very curious about the long term results of the Silk’n Motion. Do let me know if you’d want to hear more about that in another follow-up Silk’n review. For now, I would say A plus!
In association with: Silk’N Europe