HAPPY X-MAS GUYS. What else is there to say? Click through and check out this look!
When you are reading this it’s Christmas and either
A) you find yourself scrolling through blogs in the morning simply cause your annoying little brother isn’t ready for the Christmas brunch yet. Girl, take your time before the buzz really starts!
B) you are having a lonely Christmas, which I am sorry for. But don’t feel bad! Last year I was “alone” with X-mas as well. My parents chose to fly off to Surinam, my sister was celebrating with her parents in law, and me and my ex-boyfriend had just broken up. Lucky me, I have very good friends so I went for dinner at my best friend’s on the first day of Christmas and the second day of Christmas I went to a trampoline hall with another very good friend of mine – to jump all aggression of abandonment out of me I guess (this could be a great tip maybe?)
C) you find yourself being bored during Christmas dinner with your boyfriend’s parents and so you choose to check out your favorite blog (HOLLA AT YA GIRL!) cause of course, I am right here for you with a wonderful blog post. Don’t you think?
D) you are in the hospital, which is why you cannot celebrate Christmas. Oh, by the way, isn’t internet prohibited? Please turn off your device after telling me how you like me outfit!
E) you are Muslim, which is why, duh, CHRISTmas doesn’t exist to you. I do however hope, that you’ll have a lovely dinner with loved ones later on. Perhaps some bulghur or couscous? Shàhiya tayiba!
F) Christmas is long gone and you wonder why I took the time to write so much rubbish down…
G) you tell me…?
Either way, I would love to hear what you think of this look? I will be wearing this during Christmas eve, when me and the boy are heading over to one of his friends for dinner. Oh, and most importance in this look goes to my new ring from Gemporia. Isn’t this a stunner? I am so so happy with it and love how the color seems to change from purple to peach. It’s (of course) even more beautiful in real life and I almost do not dear to wear it, because it’s very valuable.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Wearing: The sting skirt / The Sting top / Missguided coat / Gemporia ring / La Bante bag
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Photos by Lily (Hashtagbylily.com)