In her closet

This month we are taking a look in the closet of the woman of my life, the woman
who, for one thing, taught me how to dress myself: my mom!
About her
Lunet, 54, geriatric nurse & mother
What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion is what people see from you at first. I therefor think that you should
always try to leave a good impression with the way you dress.
How would you describe your own style?
My style is always decent. I dress like my age, but also try
to keep track of new trends and influences. I like funny details and overall
love to wear bright colours that compliment my skin tone.
What is your favourite piece in your closet?
My wedding dress haha. I also love my Surinamese blue dress (koto misi is what we
call it), of which Larissa told me that it has a Balmain kind of look.