If you’ve followed my youtube channel for a while you may have noticed some changes lately. In this post I will tell you all about it, and besides that I am showing you my latest lookbook video. Oh, but there’s more. I can give away three tickets to the Marktplaats Goudmijn Collectie fashion show for November, 29th. Read on to see how you can win them!
I started my youtube channel a few years ago, but at the beginning I did not really know what to do with it… I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to become a youtuber or vlogger, especially since I was already so busy keeping up with my blog. Besides, there was this one issue that I could not really get a hold off: Was I gonna make videos in English or in Dutch?
Last year I decided to take making videos more serious and so I started to make videos every week. I still had not made up my mind on the language thing, so I made some English videos and some Dutch ones. After doing this for months I have finally come to the conclusion that this mess is not the way to go. And so I have decided to split things up. From now on, I will have one English channel and one Dutch channel. WHUT?! Yes, more work for me, more fun for you. At least, that’s what I hope.
On my English channel I will be sharing my lookbooks, favorites, hauls, beauty tips & reviews, whilst on my Dutch channel I will focus on vlogs, tags & challenges. But of course, I would love to make exceptions when ever you guys ask me to. The first lookbook of my English channel is published today and the welcome video of my Dutch channel too. I hope you guys like both. The lookbook is shared here, to keep you guys in the mood for fall.
But my lookbooks aren’t the only place where I am showcasing my outfits. On November 29th, I will be taking part in the Marktplaats Goudmijn Collectie fashion show which will take place at the Vondelkerk in Amsterdam, from 17.30. During this show me and my fellow bloggers will all show one of our own outfits on the catwalk each outfit being sold via Marktplaats afterwards. I’m sure it’s going to be so much fun. And I am happy to tell you guys that you can win a ticket for the show. How? Simply follow me on my English or my Dutch youtube account, and leave a comment that you are in to compete.
Winners will be chosen randomly and notified personally.
Good luck & hope to see you there!
For more info about the pieces in this video, please click here and read description box