Body embracing

Wearing: Asos pants, Primark crop top, Asos heels, Oldnewthings bag, New Look ring
If clothes were people, then our body would be the earth. Our body is the basic piece, influenced & adorned by
clothes. Nevertheless, the clothes are underlined by the body. (BLABLABLA, can you believe
that I actually thought up this metaphor myself?!). What I am trying to say is
that I think that our silhouette is very important when it comes to dressing ourselves.
I always used to mix loose tops with tight bottoms and vice versa for I thought that
both tight would be too “hoochie” and both loose would be too “poor hippie”-ish. But I’ve
changed my mind. Teaming up tight tops with tight bottoms can be hawttt, to say the least.
(About a completely baggy outfit; I still have my doubts.)
In this outfit a loose, but skinny fitted pant is combined to a tight crop top. It would also be totally me
to wear this top with a skater skirt or high-waisted shorts. Nowadays, in line with my new vision, I could’ve
also gone for a body embracing skirt or second skin skinny jeans.
What do you think?